
Mission Minded Olivet Students Serve and Teach to Evangelize

May 07, 2017

As a University of biblical higher education, Olivet is dedicated to training ministry-bound men and women to revolutionize the world. Students take classes to improve their biblical understanding, develop leadership skills and to equip themselves with the practical skills necessary to preach the gospel. Amongst this academia and preparation the students also put into practice their missionary skills and answer the call of the Great Commission.

On campus Olivet students volunteer with the youth that live within the Riverside Campus Community. Youth ranging in age from 2 to 14 are taught Sunday School as well as participate in Wednesday Night Chapel and Friday Night Prayer. Olivet student volunteers create the bible based curriculum from which the youth learn and grow in their understanding of biblical principles and figures. Each activity either has a bible theme or is based on the books of the Bible. These opportunities not only allow the youth to develop their understanding of what it is to be a Christian but it also allows the college students to opportunity to teach and instruct others in the Word of God.

Within the community of the Riverside Camp, Anza, students have also been volunteering and evangelizing at a monthly local church event. Living Hope Fellowship of Anza hosts a free community meal at which students have been able to support for over a year. Typically this event host 100-150 people from the community. Many of those who attend are elderly and or struggling to provide for their basic needs, some are even homeless. It is through the unselfish act of service and simple conversation that students are able to share God’s love with others.

Outside of their local area students are traveling to the University of California San Diego to evangelize and provide bible studies to the college students. Each Saturday several students travel two hours to provide a bible study. Typically in the morning students walk around campus opening themselves up for conversation and questions. Some students are even able to eat with other students and then invite them to the afternoon bible study. The afternoon bible study focuses either on a book in the Bible or a theme that the group is interested in discussing.

Whether it’s at home or a long drive away Olivet students are determined to put into action what they are learning. From the words of Jesus we are asked to go out and share the gospel to all nations of the world. This command has no conditional clause, Jesus did not say “wait until you graduate college, then go.” No, we are called to go now and the students of Olivet are doing just that.